Complete Veterinary Diagnostics

In an emergency, it is vital to be able to get results of diagnostic tests immediately, as those results are essential to guide the appropriate, often life-saving treatment decisions for each patient. Our in-house laboratory is equipped with all the necessary lab equipment and can supply results within minutes. Our digital radiology and veterinary ultrasound are non-invasive means to complete the full diagnostics with fast and reliable results.
Advanced Radiology & Ultrasound
As the basis for any effective treatment, diagnostics form a fundamental part of veterinary medicine, especially in an emergency situation where time is of essence. We routinely turn to our state-of-the-art digital radiology and ultrasound technology when it is necessary to quickly get reliable answers. These non-invasive, visual diagnostics are often combined with laboratory tests to give us the most complete picture of your pet’s treatment needs.
Veterinary Telemedicine & Digital Equipment
To bolster our own diagnostic capabilities, we maintain 24/7 access to board-certified radiologists for consultation via telemedicine. This digital technology allows us to get second opinions from highly trained veterinary radiologists, all in a short turnaround time of 1&endash;4 hours.
Being “paperless”, of course, also helps to support our green, environmentally conscientious philosophy, which we apply to many other areas around the clinic.
Comprehensive Veterinary Lab Testing
With a complete in-house laboratory, we are able to perform a wide range of our own tests and get results within minutes, allowing our emergency clinician to start precise treatment immediately. For more specialized lab tests, we utilize an outside professional laboratory offering twice-daily pick-ups and quick online access to results.
Our customer care representatives can answer any questions you may have regarding diagnostics at MPVESC. Please contact us for more information.